Thursday, March 3, 2011

Adult Material Mediafire Blogs

Donations scandal: Double Chancellor's salary - so far without consideration

New "Ambassador of the ARD lottery was not the first working
Lierhaus presentation - without Lierhaus

This poster a retouched beyond recognition
Monica Lierhaus shows want the ARD television lottery
advertise "A Place in the Sun" from next
The new " Ambassador of the ARD television lottery, Monica Lierhaus, applies an annual salary of a round half million euro - almost twice the salary of the Chancellor. The work ethic of the former sports journalist who is severely disabled after a surgical accident two years ago is but - in contrast to the least busy bee Angela Merkel - within reasonable limits.

equal to her first day appeared Lierhaus not personally, but only once greeted briefly by video.

Lierhaus Monica's appearance at the presentation of the new advertising campaign by the ARD television lottery "A Place in the Sun" and its flagship disabled had been eagerly awaited by many - not least because Lierhaus and her employer had been criticized before they even began their work, many loyal customers of the television lottery announced under protest their subscriptions. They complained that the sample had disabilities enterprising probably purchased in the first instance a "place in the sun": 450.000 EURO annual salary for fairly small benefits ..

Shortly before her appointment as "lottery ambassador" had the media attention journalist a "Golden Camera" of the Springer publishing house. can give (without any reasons given for the award) and mitleidheischend in with a public marriage proposal from her boyfriend scene set. The appointment of ARD lottery Präsentatin came immediately.

Today, the next scandal: On her first day appeared not Lierhaus woman. Maybe she is still suffering so badly that they simply tative services as "ambassador" to provide even can not, but most of the content doppüelte kassiertwie German Chancellor ..

Instead of participating in the press for good cause, there was a "Personality" in the popular show broadcast RTL Item 12 Topic: Not the ARD television lottery, but - Monica Lierhaus.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Disabling Lenovo Veriface Ughhhh My New Comp..?

I think, therefore I tweet

conquered Brain-Computer Interface social Network
I think, therefore I tweet

Photo:: g.tec Guger Technologies OG

What many John Doe, John Doe, celebrities and wannabe celebrities one-Zeitgesit Release of the Third Kind, may severely disabled people, the gates are to the environment: The much-praised and scorned as hot Twitter ("You can write anything - but no longer than 140 characters long"). On the week's CeBIT in Hannover, the Austrian Fiorma Guger Technologies (g.tec) a brain-computer interface (BCI) in front, it called locked-in patients possible to communicate with their environment. They sense through their EEG signals.

The locked-in syndrome, also known Included-being, a condition in which a human being is preserved consciousness almost completely paralyzed and unable to become verbally or by movements of course. The Kmmunikationsmöglichkeiten outside frequently result obtained only by the vertical eye movement. Although this has been lost, the use of a brain-computer interfaces, the last man standing, the person concerned is to enable communication with the outside world. (Source: WIKIPEDIA)
How g.tec the new system, which will be presented at CeBIT. The patient aschaut on the computer screen with the alphabet, numbers between 0 and 9 and special characters. After starting the program, the sign flashed quickly on a row. The first word that would like to write the patient
"WATCH" is. It focuses on the "W". The EEG signal is visible after 300 milliseconds, that an event occurred that was expected (the "W" is flashed). A small rash is seen. The computer would be fed with the data, the software analyzes it recognizes that the patient write
. The W appears on the screen. Following this principle, the entire message is written. If the patient at the end of the message on the special character "Post" focus, the message is posted to Twitter.

CeBIT 2011 in Hannover, German, 01 - 05.03.2011 Hall 9. D01 / 2
Life demonstration of the BCI system at 11 and 15 clock ..