I did not think that it happened so quickly, but it's going cold, we have just 7 ° C outside temperature, second and third, it gets dark, I'm geschwedet. That means something like: I have a blackberry yogurt-color pants, I wear make-up and sit with sunglasses in pendants ag Yesterday I heard that my Swedish very good, but not of my profoundly hearing impaired Swedish teacher, but by a fellow student who has lived 15 years in Sweden.
to brag and much Geschmunzel from the audience went, my first paper in Swedish about Spongebob Squarepants, puncture-free across the stage.
photos are not many because my camera gives up the ghost, the credit card is blocked and the finances, after the furniture purchase anyway only to recover again. More may have said it's just a picture since the camera is a hour needs a break until the next shoot, I also come before me stupid if I do a) only photos of myself or b) take photos of the black air.
Otherwise, I serve with no sensation that I can post publicly, without, at some point that they fall back to me, there are now the weekends or even completely different stories!