Friday, August 27, 2010

Blueprint For Wooden Bench

old wives' tale, it is war

Assange Daniel, son of the protagonist Wikileaks wrote on his Facebook page the phrase: "This man (his father) has a way with the many women he makes enemies."

It was then in the press:

"Wikileaks founders has a poor record for women"
"My Wiki Dad is quite terrible with the ladies"
".. he was a Aptraum when it concerns women. .. "

asked about this via Twitter, Daniel said to me, " I did not expect that the would have to be careful in the future "

  1. somnidea @ UnterdenTeppich Most certainly I was not expecting the media to behave quite so underhandedly; media would behave treacherously.. ;. will have to be more cautious in the future
- what this quote brought to you by quoteurl

If even the son of a man like Julian Assange apparently has no idea how vicious the media can be when it comes to conditions and interests of third parties, then it is not surprising that there is still no one to manipulation, omissions, exaggerations and downright lies of the mainstream media perceives aware that he applies it to his own life.

Here are raging this more obvious excesses, the more violent the war between the established media and the blogosphere.

in April 2009!! , the court documents the case of Dutroux Wikileaks published and only in the last two days, the media report on it. Now, why is everything a negative could shed light on the whistleblower site unearthed? Yes there can not be everywhere, the CIA or the Pentagon behind it.

No, the fear of the MSM before the "new" media such as blogs and whistleblower sites leads to a heaping discredit them in recent weeks. Anything not in the newspapers is not so temperate mainstream equivalent and / or coordinated with government officials or editors and was defused, is inherently discredited conspiracy theory and ridiculed. German newspapers also are heavily involved. The TIME called the legitimate citizens' petition on the death of Dr. Kelly for an official forensic Investigation as an outgrowth of a conspiracy theory, although the final report should remain the last non-forensic investigation for 70 years under lock and key.

Every Blogger, Twitter or Facebook, who does not believe the MSM is currently vilified as the odd conspiracy theory, perhaps with a hat made of tin foil on their heads to ward off electromagnetic waves, revealed the utter ridiculousness.

course we know that we are dealing for years with the McCann case and related matters, this strategy only too well. Although the file of the case are available publicly and the media were given explicitly, has besides us so far none of the MSM really deals with the contents of the file and analyzes it. Instead, those who do it when slandered hat carrier.

But times have changed. The publication of the documents on Wikileaks them would certainly bring attention to the time that we've always wanted.


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