Tuesday, November 23, 2010
List Of Spectrobes Categorized By Type
All would be been so easy. It would have been the child can at night, get abducted asleep than all, Matthew Oldfield would not have to bend the tongue in his attempt to have indeed seen the twins, but Maddie is not, Jane Tanner did not have to have this unfortunate sighting that you no policeman and thought it would be no issues have arisen because why let the children alone would have. It would only be woken up in the morning, had the window open and the blinds and noticed the child would have been gone.
But fate, God, or just bad luck in misfortune led to the removal of the corpse to a suitable hiding place was observed. And not just one person that could have been with the help of relations with the press either as a drunk, shortsighted or senile to discredit, but equal to 9 (in words NINE) people of all ages who have seen the support of the child from all perspectives.
The panic can be imagined. At least one of the nine will be remembered when the news of the missing child the world reached. At least one of the group is able to give a description, perhaps even show in a confrontation with a finger.
It has an alibi since the best two.
A frightened friend must serve for a sighting. You should see the "hijackers" at the very moment (21:15), as the true bearer of the child with the only independent witnesses, Jez Wilkins, operates so as to rule out that the support of the child and Gerry be the same person can. So you have is the description of the "hijackers" are similar, but differ in other important respects to the description of the Smiths to and dilute to divert attention from Gerry. So especially the hair and the color of the pants otherwise.
explains all this and the path that had to take the kidnappers namely in the opposite direction to meet the Smith family with him later three quarters of an hour. Only one sighting Gerry, Jez and the hijackers together can serve as an alibi or less are good.
To further support the crimes committed at the moment of alibis by Jez Wilkins, has another friend, Matthew Oldfield, open the blinds to confirm to 21:30. As reported in previous posts, that's bad in the pants and the police think this review, the children not.
Since the actual encounter between the winners of the child and the Smith family but did not happen at 21:15 but at 22:00 clock clock is placed as the second alibi the discovery of the abduction at this time. Although it was probably only 10-15 minutes later, since the institution of the child at the time did not appear. These independent witnesses confirmed by any time used, even the Attorney General to disclose as a forward base for the event on ice.
Always this Irishman! Who could have guessed that of all nine would you use the completely secluded road at a time when no one else goes there along. Without them It was a fairly relaxed abduction was at night when everyone was asleep and no one can get tangled in untenable sightings and non-sightings. Without breach of supervisory duties.
imo of course ... Inspired
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Manhattan Satellite Receiver, Korea
by the debate over the translation and meaning of the word "review" I have come to considerations that are purely speculative, but hopefully interesting.
I always assumed that this "review" was intended to discredit the Portuguese investigation and to seek a British study, the parents should be exonerated of all evil.
My opinion has, however, dramatically have changed as dramatically as the efforts for this "review" is increased. The increasing desperation is evident in every press photo, but even more so in their statements in the press and their actions.
insults leading politicians including the Prime Minister's evidence of a position with their backs to the wall. Those who hoped for help from this page break, not all bridges to those who could bring them. The last desperate attempt with 100,000 signatures expected from the non-verifiable petition the government to put pressure will just fail because of this defective petition. Not for nothing did the British Government a petition page for their own serious such concerns.
What is behind this desperation? Fear perhaps an imminent resumption of the case in Portugal, or even initiate a procedure which is possible only with new evidence. Then they really badly need this new evidence in order to dilute these tried and tested way in advance, distort, ridicule, distort.
And then Goncalo Amaral, the man to try it as hate and destroy and not speaking in his quiet, subtle sort of surveillance cameras and a dilapidated house on the route of the Smith sighting. Suddenly the roles are reversed. He is on the train, he suggests, waving the fence post and taunts with this product in the Sunday Express.
The panic is greater. It's actually not just to the discrediting of the Portuguese, but the facts from the files you do not recognize. What are the new evidence?
But how do they even know of any new evidence and why they do not know what these are? The press has reported so many times that Jim Gamble already carried out a kind review in April and led to the then Home Secretary. The Leicestershire police have been accused to have made mistakes. Have denied this very issue and the access to all available documents? Alan Johnson would remain in power would have a different police investigations incorporated and the documents of the Leicestershire police would have gone to them and Gamble would likely gain insight. Ultimately
So Gordon Brown is himself, with his disastrous election defeat, to blame, that is the case, which he devoted so much personal attention, now is driving parents to despair.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Training Regime For Cervical Spondylitis
A brief summary of the two article below: The Sunday Express, the only paper that has been threatened by the McCanns with a libel suit and succeeded then an out of court settlement for a lot of money subtitled, with the headline " We will include the Maddie case again, saying the Portuguese ". But it will be in the article, however, that police officers who work on the case, ready to do would be and like to work with Kate and Gerry would, above all the reconstruction that never came about, carry out and on the disparity between Jane Tanner's and the Smith sighting educate. To achieve this, they would have only a letter to the PJ and the prosecutor put on during her visit to Portugal on Tuesday. A clear reaction to
the Portuguese to the deplorable petition discredit the McCanns regarding a "Reviews", only its meaning and should only be to the Portuguese investigation and certify them, that they NEVER England had been suspected.
The second article of the Sunday Express is more bizarre. James Murray spoke with Gonzalo Amaral in Praia da Luz and together they walked up the path that had taken the alleged kidnappers during which he met the Smith family. (See my video to the right titled "Smith Walk"). Goncalo Amaral welcomes a review or a reopening of the case and "supported" the parents in their demand.
James Murray, it can not take Amaral to address book that would have banned short ...
Here is the Smith sighting the central theme of the article, which is yet another detail addressed. It would have a video where a surveillance camera that would have included the support of the child, but unfortunately the officials were too late to Hotel Estrella da Luz come - at the time it had already been deleted. Very clever
made the whole thing. participate Smith sighting, Amaral's book, its refusal in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of a kind Amaral - all in one leaf. I believe Richard Desmond, publisher of the Express, has been waiting on ...
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First of all, the English version, despite the massive "spin" not particularly look good for the McCanns. You fly to Lisbon on Tuesday. Jane Tanner's sighting and the Smith family are under discussion. The PJ says that they are evaluating any information that is sent to them. I hope very much that they have also investigated Gerry's pants.
DETECTIVES working on the Madeleine McCann case say they are ready to reopen the investigation into her disappearance.
Portuguese police have indicated they would be happy to work with the missing girl's parents and their friends.
The gesture will come as a huge boost to Kate and Gerry McCann, who last week launched a petition and urged Home Secretary Theresa May to request a review of the case.
A senior police source in Portugal said: “Detectives are committed to resolving this case and would work on any review and pursue any line of inquiry suggested.”
As the McCanns launched a petition last week, a frustrated Gerry said: “For the past three and a half years, the authorities have not being doing anything proactive to help Madeleine. I don’t think it’s right that the onus should fall on us. The authorities really should be doing more.”
‘We don’t know how long this will go on, but it’s our life. The pain just makes us stronger’
Kate added: “We need action. I don’t need fluffy, worthless words. We need somebody to do something.”
Almost 26,000 people had yesterday signed the online appeal for the Government to do more to find Madeleine.
Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: “Kate and Gerry are thrilled with the number of people who have supported them. It shows them there is still a huge amount of public opinion behind them.”
The couple, doctors from Rothley, Leicestershire, are due to fly to Lisbon on Tuesday to consult their lawyers.
Legal sources in Portugal say they should use their visit to ask their lawyer to formally write a letter to the Policia Judiciaria and to the Portuguese attorney-general’s office.
If a review was ordered, the Policia Judiciaria would suggest that there should be reconstructions of two key incidents on the evening of May 3, 2007, in Praia da Luz on the Algarve.
The McCanns’ friend Jane Tanner said she saw a man holding a child she believed to be Madeleine. Irishman Martin Smith said that the same evening he saw a man with a child in his arms walking to the beach.
Last year, a documentary prepared with the McCanns’ investigator, former British police officer Dave Edgar, highlighted those sightings.
A well-placed source in Portugal said: “Mr Edgar clearly recognises the importance of these two incidents. We had hoped to do full filmed reconstructions but that did not take place but we would be happy to try again to get that vital work done.”
He said that both Kate and Gerry McCann and their holiday friends, David and Fiona Payne, Diana Webster, Rachel and Matthew Oldfield, Jane Tanner and her partner Russell O’Brien, would be treated with great sensitivity in any reconstruction.
Last week Kate, 42, said she was “disappointed” over the Home Secretary’s failure to help find her daughter, saying: “There is an abductor out there who is free to take another child. Other children are at risk and nothing is being done.”
She added: “We don’t know how long this will go on for but it is our life. You get stronger handling the pain.”
The Portuguese police source said: “Every time we get information sent to us we look into it. Nothing is ignored.
“The frustration is that there has not been a strong lead for a long time.”
A McCanns’ spokesman said: “We would welcome any indication of support from the PJ. However, we would be hoping to have an official response to our call for a review of evidence.
And more
Das besagte Haus habe ich auf Bitten eines Forum Mitglieds zigmal photographiert:MADELEINE MCCANN: DID THE CAMERA HOLD VITAL CLUE?
The detective believe's Madeleine McCann's abductor was caught on camera
Sunday November 7.2010
THE detective who led the initial investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance believe her abductor was caught on camera – but revealed that the film was wiped before detectives saw it.
Yesterday controversial figure Goncalo Amaral backed Kate and Gerry McCann’s demand for a review and reopening of the investigation.
The Sunday Express took Mr Amaral, whose book Maddy: The Truth Of The Lie was banned briefly from bookstores, to Praia da Luz to ask him to reveal where mistakes were made.
He walked the route he believes the person who snatched Madeleine took. It begins at apartment 5A of the Ocean Club, from where the three-year-old disappeared on May 3, 2007.
Mr Amaral believes the person would have crossed a road leading to a poorly lit road alongside waste ground.
Standing at an entrance to the waste ground, Mr Amaral said: “This area was thoroughly searched.”
He walked a few steps and looked up at a CCTV camera and sighed loudly. The camera belongs to the Estrela da Luz resort hotel. “I believe that the person carrying a child in his arms was captured on film from that very camera,” he said.
“I asked my officers to gather all the CCTV footage in Luz but, by the time they got to this hotel, the film from this camera had been wiped over. It was a mistake and I will always regret it. I do feel Madeleine was let down.”
Walking alongside the waste ground, he enters a narrow street called Rua da Escola Primaria. “This is where there was a significant sighting of a man carrying a child in his arms,” he said. “He was seen by a witness, Martin Smith from Ireland.”
The man with the child continued down the hill and would have come to a crossroads. Opposite the junction is an empty villa with a large garden. The wooden door leading to the garden is open.
“It was open at the time and the villa is still empty,” Mr Amaral said. “My officers spent a lot of time here.”
Mr Amaral concludes that any new investigation should fully consider the statement of Mr Smith. “I hope this is seriously examined because it is an important aspect of the case,” he said.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Magnum Compared To Regular Condoms
Everything is difficult these days with an i in front of trendy, so why not petition for the benefit of a vanished child, and especially their parents? Did the McCanns and wanted their government with such a surprise, or rather extorting "moral". If agreed to a review of tens of thousands of Portuguese police investigation, one would surely get it. Had the previous government but also work out with much less effort.
So fresh to work and a pre-petition ipetitions.com cobbled together and published on the so-popular Facebook page. In 3 days, nearly 25,000 signatures. With such figures get Kriegsmahner environmentalists and wet dreams. Like it does not exist. Since many asked whether all odd things.
I could not resist myself to try this site - a few more signatures to make the cabbage not fat, I thought. Lo and behold, there can be with any email address and share his Hans Wilhelm, also hans.wilhelm @ whatever.com. No confirmation email, click the one must not check the IP on multiple input, no check duplicate names. Although such features were present. You can even enter the same email address 2843 times. Um, because when you have time and desire and a trained wrist.
From long experience we know that there are dedicated supporters of the parents who own a repetitive strain injury can not stop them from giving the objects of their admiration for the necessary support.
stretched, we can now see whether the new British government gives in the referendum and money put into an investigation that has actually already so their results. For the ultimate protector of the island children had already reported in April, the McCanns had been wrongly accused, the investigation in Portugal was a farce and massive bugs and huge holes had included. And anyway, would the United Kingdom, much better and very different tackle, after much higher standards. Probably the standards that were applied in the case of David Kelly - secrecy for 70 years. Too bad that Jim Gamble has thrown his office and can not really be holding its official findings on its own. The McCanns do all this now hear from the mouth of the Minister. Official whitewash. Down there, they do not.
But whether this translates into thousands of faked signatures is more than questionable.