by the debate over the translation and meaning of the word "review" I have come to considerations that are purely speculative, but hopefully interesting.
I always assumed that this "review" was intended to discredit the Portuguese investigation and to seek a British study, the parents should be exonerated of all evil.
My opinion has, however, dramatically have changed as dramatically as the efforts for this "review" is increased. The increasing desperation is evident in every press photo, but even more so in their statements in the press and their actions.
insults leading politicians including the Prime Minister's evidence of a position with their backs to the wall. Those who hoped for help from this page break, not all bridges to those who could bring them. The last desperate attempt with 100,000 signatures expected from the non-verifiable petition the government to put pressure will just fail because of this defective petition. Not for nothing did the British Government a petition page for their own serious such concerns.
What is behind this desperation? Fear perhaps an imminent resumption of the case in Portugal, or even initiate a procedure which is possible only with new evidence. Then they really badly need this new evidence in order to dilute these tried and tested way in advance, distort, ridicule, distort.
And then Goncalo Amaral, the man to try it as hate and destroy and not speaking in his quiet, subtle sort of surveillance cameras and a dilapidated house on the route of the Smith sighting. Suddenly the roles are reversed. He is on the train, he suggests, waving the fence post and taunts with this product in the Sunday Express.
The panic is greater. It's actually not just to the discrediting of the Portuguese, but the facts from the files you do not recognize. What are the new evidence?
But how do they even know of any new evidence and why they do not know what these are? The press has reported so many times that Jim Gamble already carried out a kind review in April and led to the then Home Secretary. The Leicestershire police have been accused to have made mistakes. Have denied this very issue and the access to all available documents? Alan Johnson would remain in power would have a different police investigations incorporated and the documents of the Leicestershire police would have gone to them and Gamble would likely gain insight. Ultimately
So Gordon Brown is himself, with his disastrous election defeat, to blame, that is the case, which he devoted so much personal attention, now is driving parents to despair.
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