So fresh to work and a pre-petition ipetitions.com cobbled together and published on the so-popular Facebook page. In 3 days, nearly 25,000 signatures. With such figures get Kriegsmahner environmentalists and wet dreams. Like it does not exist. Since many asked whether all odd things.
I could not resist myself to try this site - a few more signatures to make the cabbage not fat, I thought. Lo and behold, there can be with any email address and share his Hans Wilhelm, also hans.wilhelm @ whatever.com. No confirmation email, click the one must not check the IP on multiple input, no check duplicate names. Although such features were present. You can even enter the same email address 2843 times. Um, because when you have time and desire and a trained wrist.
From long experience we know that there are dedicated supporters of the parents who own a repetitive strain injury can not stop them from giving the objects of their admiration for the necessary support.
stretched, we can now see whether the new British government gives in the referendum and money put into an investigation that has actually already so their results. For the ultimate protector of the island children had already reported in April, the McCanns had been wrongly accused, the investigation in Portugal was a farce and massive bugs and huge holes had included. And anyway, would the United Kingdom, much better and very different tackle, after much higher standards. Probably the standards that were applied in the case of David Kelly - secrecy for 70 years. Too bad that Jim Gamble has thrown his office and can not really be holding its official findings on its own. The McCanns do all this now hear from the mouth of the Minister. Official whitewash. Down there, they do not.
But whether this translates into thousands of faked signatures is more than questionable.
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