Monday, February 28, 2011

Disabling Lenovo Veriface Ughhhh My New Comp..?

I think, therefore I tweet

conquered Brain-Computer Interface social Network
I think, therefore I tweet

Photo:: g.tec Guger Technologies OG

What many John Doe, John Doe, celebrities and wannabe celebrities one-Zeitgesit Release of the Third Kind, may severely disabled people, the gates are to the environment: The much-praised and scorned as hot Twitter ("You can write anything - but no longer than 140 characters long"). On the week's CeBIT in Hannover, the Austrian Fiorma Guger Technologies (g.tec) a brain-computer interface (BCI) in front, it called locked-in patients possible to communicate with their environment. They sense through their EEG signals.

The locked-in syndrome, also known Included-being, a condition in which a human being is preserved consciousness almost completely paralyzed and unable to become verbally or by movements of course. The Kmmunikationsmöglichkeiten outside frequently result obtained only by the vertical eye movement. Although this has been lost, the use of a brain-computer interfaces, the last man standing, the person concerned is to enable communication with the outside world. (Source: WIKIPEDIA)
How g.tec the new system, which will be presented at CeBIT. The patient aschaut on the computer screen with the alphabet, numbers between 0 and 9 and special characters. After starting the program, the sign flashed quickly on a row. The first word that would like to write the patient
"WATCH" is. It focuses on the "W". The EEG signal is visible after 300 milliseconds, that an event occurred that was expected (the "W" is flashed). A small rash is seen. The computer would be fed with the data, the software analyzes it recognizes that the patient write
. The W appears on the screen. Following this principle, the entire message is written. If the patient at the end of the message on the special character "Post" focus, the message is posted to Twitter.

CeBIT 2011 in Hannover, German, 01 - 05.03.2011 Hall 9. D01 / 2
Life demonstration of the BCI system at 11 and 15 clock ..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nintendo Dsitoddler Games

Saarbrücker Zeitung - 02.02.2011 - Auf den Spuren der deutschen Brasilien - Auswanderer

my research report, published in the Journal Saarbrücker of Saarland, Germany, February 2, 2011. At the end of the blog is the link on the memory of the German people in southern Brazil.

How Long Can Flights Be Delayed Before Cancelling

German cemeteries in southern Brazil - Deutsche Friedhof in Südbrasilien

I created a blog to post little by little, all the photographs I made of German cemeteries here in southern Brazil. There, on the graves of immigrants and their descendants, is a lot of history about the society of old, about the living conditions of families, names and dates, tracks to put together this historical puzzle that is the study of immigrants, their families and localities founded by them.

No blog posted so far, images of cemeteries Walachai, Morro Reuter, President Lucena, Happy, Brothers, Novo Hamburgo, Nova Petropolis and Sapiranga. There

gravestones of members of the families: Blume, Bohn, Dexheimer, Diefenthäler, Engel, Schneider, Lehn, Seewald, Führ, Simon, Kilpp, Kaefer, Noll, Weissheimer, Mentz, Maldaner, Mombach, Leduc, Hartmann, Rohr, Wedig, Schwantes, Michaelsen, Roloff, Link, Wittmann Schabarum, Korndörfer, Ebling, Hohendorff von Schütz, Schmitt, Jost, Schönardie, Knorst, Volkweis, Backes, Knapp, Selbach, Bartzen, Heck, Hartz, Heldt, Wolf, Zirbes and Kampff.

The link is:
The publication of these pictures, even if a blog is a way to preserve a little history of our ancestors . Some pictures I published my second book, titled "The symbolism hidden in the cemeteries." When I explained a bit about the symbolism of old, found in ancient sculptures made in the tombs of the pioneers.
The photo above is from a cemetery in Traverse (Schwabenschneiss, the Swabians of the old Sting) within the city of Two Brothers (Baumschneiss, Sting of the old Baum).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lester Motocycle Rims

ARD lottery trips over Lierhaus hype

expensive pressure on Tränendüse will backfire
ARD lottery stumbles over the Lierhaus hype made

[Bild: 600_chron_kamera-1336_4_5_tm-2.jpg]

The cooling calculated without account of the critical mind of many people, the severely disabled after brain surgery Lierhaus journalist Monica and her employer, the ARD. Your humble with an annual salary of around half a million euro golden appointment as "ambassador" of the ARD-lottery "A Place in the Sun" had consequences. The number of lottery subscriptions went to the basement.

If you recall, was because for whatever (to survive without its own Merit?) Awarded "Golden Camera" of the Springer publishing house and the cold production of a marriage application on-camera in the cheapest daily soap style at the beginning of the month. My view at that time as "marketing coup of the year by media mogul Springer" met understandably different responses in the disabled community - not a few frenetic to be pressed on the Tränendüse pathetic performance by Lierhaus and her fiancé celebrated as "moving." Lierhaus became an icon with a model function.

My perceived by some as exaggerated assessment and evaluation of the "golden" Lierhaus presence is now more as the understatement out of the month.

The Lierhaus show on Springer show he was appointed to a sort of "ambassador" and ARD-Lotto fee at the foot. The disabled ex-sports show presenter has been appointed (to replace Frank Elstner) for a representative of the gaming event "A Place in the Sun".
in tough Lotto indeed quite legitimate hope to make with the compassion thirsted icon Lierhaus more sales (with no way negligible social side effect) The calculations did not work: When it became known that Monica Lierhaus an annual fee of 450,000 Euros for the announcing of the Week Winner the lottery and some goodwill appearances at the chic charity event replaced, the carefully calculated tears nozzle pressure was fully backfired since then subscription cancellations hails from the combined sparkled with ARD lottery company.

The reaction of the ARD leaders on the flop obscurities Hype move between the abuse of critical normal earners, which is assessed a kind of social envy assumed and tearful comments: "We need became so expensive people like their disability clever marketing icon Lierhaus. Chris Tipper, managing director of ARD television lottery whines in a statement today on ARD: "We do not have a nationwide distribution network, may sell over the Internet no-contact and do not advertise there. " The constant presence of the promotional lottery in the first obviously minor TV for the nation can be the humble business man under the table.

Valor defiantly attests to the manager of his flagship, the disabled, which provides negative in the cash register, "that they very well in their credibility, integrity and authenticity is right for us." About to be debated in the new job after her rather embarrassing Golden camera presence and a little of generating social competence business acumen. chronic life-

for blog and forum is the tragi-comic drama by the way Monica event, originally rather satirical intentioned idea of awarding a "chronic Camera" award in the next year really: An Ordinary chronically ill and their families. The end of this year, we will ask for suggestions at this point (with justification). But be careful: There is no television appearances or a tired EURO. See

Norbert Jos Maas


article "Chronic camera for ordinary heroes

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sony Vegas 8 Profreezes

multiplier million fraud involving fake HIV medicines

one million fraud involving fake HIV medicines SIDN, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and several prosecutors on the track. According to investigations of Radio station NDR Info ", the investigators determined against various pharmaceutical wholesalers. You are provided for patients in Africa, subsidized products repackaged in large quantities, have illegally taken to Germany and sold here with an extremely high profits. The financial loss is estimated at least tens of millions.

According to information of the NDR, the HIV medications as part of the so-called bulk - so loose tablets in boxes and bags - illegally from South Africa to Belgium and Switzerland imported to Germany. Here are the defendants have sold the drugs with substantial gains, the Prosecutor Flensburg. According to information of the transmitter alone, sales of an accused at around six million euros.

AOK Niedersachsen estimates that the financial loss but for health insurance is at least double-digit million range, because the perpetrators are said to have settled the counterfeit products at regular prices at the tills. "The drugs were provided by relief agencies for the treatment of HIV patients in South Africa. The wholesalers have brought the products to Germany, although they were not allowed here," said the speaker of the Lower Saxony AOK, Oliver gable NDR

Gerd Glaeske, pharmaceutical expert the University of Bremen, condemned in the strongest terms the possible fraud. "This is not only enrich wholesaler with criminal energy, but here people are harmed, where these drugs are withheld, and that is particularly reprehensible."

From today's effectiveness of the drugs was not affected. However, it is still investigating whether the drugs have taken for example by interrupting the cold chain damage. You may also see the expiration date was exceeded. Many pharmaceutical companies provide developing countries their HIV drugs, usually given to relief organizations, affordable available. So they do and a. prevent counterfeiters circumvent the patent protection.

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Charles Hennemann - Justice of the Peace in the city of Two Brothers

Hennemann Carlos was born in Two Brothers, August 27, 1850. He was the son of Wendelin Hennemann and Angela Schneider. He was baptized on 27 August of that year, the missionary priest, Augustine Lipinski, the former chapel of Two Brothers, which was demolished to build the chapel in 1870 (now the old Catholic church in the city).

Charles Hennemann was maternal grandson of Peter Schneider (rich immigrant, first established in Sapiranga, who founded the Sting and Schneider divided into several lots for his children). Hennemann began working as a farmer in Two Brothers. His mother died young and his father remarried and emigrated to the new colony of Tilings. Charles Hennemann married Catharina Boll and remained in the sting of Swabians, today Traverse, interior Brothers.

still very young and started buying land from other settlers with his father Joseph Boll. The first property was bought from the Blos family in 1870. In 1871 the couple bought the land and followed Küchler capital investing in real estate, the largest purchases were made in 1874 and 1882.

Beyond farmer, Hennemann had a distillery where produced rum to the settlers. In the 1880s, Charles was appointed Justice of the Peace In the years 1880 and 1890 he invested his money in bonds of the Industrial Bank of the South, with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and purchasing new properties. In the 1890s, Charles Hennemann was already considered the man with more possessions in the county.

Even in the 1890s, Hennemann invested along with 25 residents of Two Brothers, the actions of the typography of the Centre, the Catholic press publisher turned on coordination of immigrant journalist Hugo Metzler. In 1893, appeared in Hennemann nominata of candidates and supporters "Zentrumspartei," Centre Party, linked to Catholics Germans and the Jesuits, who elected as Members of that year, Jacob and Son Kroeff Cel. Frederick Link.

In 1899 Charles was appointed a deputy police Brothers, then 4th District of St. Leopold. Hennemann was renamed in 1907. In 1906 Charles went to Germany for cataract surgery, performed in Munich the same year. Carlos traveled with her son Vincent, who was a councilman for District Two Brothers, representing the population in the City Council of Sao Leopoldo.

In November 1916, Hennemann served as director, along with Carlos and Nicholas Rausch Wickert, School of the Society of St. Michael of the Two Brothers. Died January 11, 1918.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Do Do Ate Expired Chicken

Couple Henrichs' post wedding party

Sunday has 2 weeks to celebrate the couple Henrichs loaded for grilling at their wedding, according to (pictures coming soon by the way. Promise!).
It was a super nice afternoon with lots of nice people, Janice's wicked punch, German sausages and Hela spice ketchup. Sasha had also conjured a 1A pig roast.
It was great to see all again. Our friends James and Ange are now also engaged, which was still more reason to celebrate.
It was the whole weekend was so hot that night in our bedroom were still 29 degrees. We all (Ie all low-bags with no air conditioning) had hardly slept last night. Towards evening it cooled off extremely (from 35 degrees to 20 degrees) and a storm moved on. Lovely!
Sascha and his roast

Sally, Janice and Dave
Babette, Steve and Sompi
Jack and James
Ange and Jack
Jeremy and the buffet

At last, a storm is on

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Movies: I Am Number Four and Unknown

Last Friday, after a long hard week, because we have again begun to travel regularly have-Janice and I a double feature made in the cinema. We
the Teen Science Fiction Film I have looked at Number 4 and the new thriller Unknown starring Liam Neeson, who had us in Taken (or 96 Hours ) so bound.
From I Am Number Four we do not expect much and were very pleasantly surprised, therefore, as the movie had humor and good special effects. The point is that John Smith's number four of nine Chosen One of an alien race, along with his guardian here is evil extraterrestrials on Earth on a permanent escape from a group that systematically hunt and kill all nine. Why did not quite understand it ... there are just bad guys, but fun villains. Number four lands now in a small town and falls in love and also learn to use his super powers. The bad guys are hot on his heels and with his friend, a schoolmate, number six, which comes by chance with her Ducati, and his dog, he takes her to the evil.
Yes, granted, listens as a summary of the really ludicrous, but we had fun watching.
What we have got well: the film has a completely open end and screams for a sequel.

In our second film: Unknown it was about having flies Liam Neeson and his wife to Berlin (the whole film is set in the snowy cold ... Berlin! .. Brrr!) To attend a conference. He has an accident with a taxi and 4 days later wakes up from his coma. He can still remember a few things and goes back to the hotel, the Congress and his wife, only to find there that he was completely replaced as it had never existed. Without him, the hotel security badge has a nutcase and he begins to doubt his sanity. The rest of the film is therefore of how he, with the help of some interesting Charactaere, the mystery gets to the bottom.
A good film with many twists, good actors and a convoluted story. He was however a little long.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cervix Open At 7 Weeks

Memory of the German people

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blobs Of Blood During Period?

John Heck Nephew - natural Principle of Good

The story of the farmer, miller and professor of Good Principle, who emigrated to Argentina in the virgin forest in the early twentieth century.

Born in 1868 in Good Start, John Heck Nephew was the eldest son of Jacob and Catharina Noll Heck. His father was a farmer and miller at Arroio Stones, Interior Good Principle, and was owned mill cassava flour. As the production was great, John was the father's right arm who also worked with the slaves who lived on the family farm.

Even with the law of 1850, which forbade Germans and their descendants were slaves, was common to find families of many possessions, traders, millers and owners of large areas of land, owned slaves. The relationship between them varied in each family. Heck was created by slaves from his father, two of them were very close and knew perfectly the German language.

John who was known as "Heck Hannes", married Caroline Schneider in 1892. At that time he also helped his father in the mill, was a farmer and taught school in the small creek of stones. When there was no teacher in the village people with more information were those who were devoted to education, often for free.

John and Caroline had 10 children, born to 11 when, Paula, Carolina died after childbirth. He remarried Pauline Junges Stream Stones in the first seven were born sons. In 1922, when his father had died and her mother emigrated with three of his sisters for Cerro Largo, Heck also emigrated, but went beyond them all. Traveled to the Misiones (Missions Argentinas, then a region of virgin forests, the fate of many German settlers) and settled in Mbopicuá.

In four more children were born Mbopicuá altogether Heck had 22 children. Heck when he emigrated, some children were already married, but only one remained in the region in Montenegro, where he left descendants. To take the virgin forest of the region, Heck founded a sawmill with his sons and husbands.

In 1936 Heck had appendicitis at the time surgery was not done, your kids put on a stretcher and walked miles across the divide, in Paraguay, where there was a doctor. Diagnosed the problem, the doctor told them that his father would have only 48 hours of life. Heck died on January 28, 1936, to 67 years, 3 months and 22 days. Heck was the first to be buried in the cemetery of Mbopicuá, within the locality of Puerto Rico, nearby, along with his sons, he had built a wooden chapel a year earlier, called the "Capilla de la Virgen de Mbopicuá.

His 22 gave him 96 children and grandchildren are now over 700 people in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. One of the most famous descendants of Heck, Heck is Father Alfonso, who was born in Argentina, studied in Italy and worked in Germany with Pope Benedict XVI when he was archbishop of Munich and Freising in the late 1970s.

Photo's oldest immigrant nephew John Heck, the photo taken early in the century, is the second wife and their children at 12 / 1 Stream of Stones, Interior Good Principle. A curiosity, with children from first and second marriage, as Heck counted at the time, three pairs of twins. The older girls at the edges of the photo. Little boys, one left the father and the other the right of a mother and two twin babies, a mother's lap and another in his father's lap.

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EU for drugs tamper-proof make

Internet pharmacies and online drugs ordered to be safer. This was decided by the EU. Online pharmacies are to be certified, all drugs should be traceable with tamper-proof holograms and serial numbers with a scanner.

The better protection against dangerous counterfeit drugs is overdue. In 2009 alone, European customs officials discovered more than seven million counterfeit drugs - not just lifestyle drugs such as hormones or Potenzmittelchen.Gefälscht have been and are even more often imitated antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and flu preparations. In Germany, even fake cancer and HIV drugs were discovered.

zero effect - or poison
In the best case, the counterfeit absolutely no effect, either because they contain little or no active ingredient. But sometimes the expensive original drugs for healing and relief through cheap lethal poison to be replaced. .

The EU parliament in Strasbourg Today (16th Fenruar 2011) a law to combat drug counterfeiting adopted. Under the new policy is introduced in Europe from 2013, a certification system for Internet pharmacies. Reputable sites will receive a special logo, which the EU Commission will develop over the next few months.

to control the pages of legitimate Internet pharmacies are linked to public inspection bodies. In this system, the EU leaders rely on the customers' attention: you need logo and link to check themselves before they order in the respective Internet pharmacy.

pills in Plasdtiktütchen - suspicious
There are already hints that pointed to serious pharmacy portals on the Internet

  • Prescription drugs may issue only after sending the recipe.
  • Reputable sites in Germany have a legal notice with the name of the pharmacist and approved by the competent pharmacists.
  • And under no circumstances should you trust Internet pharmacies sell patient, the drugs in plastic bags or no leaflet.

According to Internet pharmacies are also the drugs themselves are safe - whether they arrive via the Internet or through traditional pharmacies to patients. From 2015, all packages must bear serial numbers and holograms, Per scan the medication should be tested for authenticity .. The additional costs for the new system are estimated at ten billion €

good old pharmacy is not always safe
support the pharmacists' associations the expensive, but secure system: "We will find a solution, for instance, together with the cash," Thomas Bellartz hopes of the Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists (ABDA). "It is important that the pharmacy market is as safe as before."

But the good old pharmacy in the neighborhood is currently not always the refuge for completely safe drugs. The North German Radio (NDR) recently reported that about 100 were sold in German pharmacies illegal drugs.


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"nano special" on 3sat: When the soul with sorrow

When the soul with sorrow

depression and burn-out syndrome are the main themes of the Wissenschtsmagazins "nano" on 3sat on Monday 21 February, at Clock 18:30.

is fact: In Germany, more and more anti-depressants, and the duration of hospitalization for treatment of depression and mental disorders is increasing: Depression is one of the most common reasons for sick-leave.

The "nano spezial: Depression - When the soul is in mourning" is devoted to this increasingly intense disease. The second main topic are the triggers and symptoms of the more frequently diagnosed burnout syndrome. "Nano special" explains the difference for depression and introduces new methods of treatment.

problem: there is no clear definition of a burn-out, but it more and more people complain about it - from manager to hostess. The psychologist and working scientist David Siebert has a pilot project of the University of Dortmund investigated burn-out risk and evaluated.

Based on the research results, a so-called "burn-on-center at the TU Darmstadt has been created to be in the sick worker back fit for the job. Moderated

be broadcast on 3sat Ingolf Baur.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Big Women In Pantie Girdles


German / English

It was a long process led me to this scenario . Analysis of all the statements showed that their friends had all lied on specific items. The first breakthrough came with the realization that Dianne was the only real witness. It contradicted some of the most important statements on which built the history of the routine to check the children, Matt's first review on Thursday evening, and the statement that the McCanns did not go to the Millennium Restaurant for breakfast. She also was not sure if Gerry and Matt were present at the beginning of the dinner.

If it was now the only one who told the truth, was the most important question: "When you saw Madeleine last time?" Only you answer truthfully. The Wednesday evening at dinner the children was the last time they were seen by a credible witness.

On the other hand we have the lies about her whereabouts on Thursday. The insistence of Tapasniks at the beginning that Maddie had participated in tennis on Thursday and the absurd scene, as all observed this children's tennis, which was attended by none of their children while at the same time Ella at the beach was sailing is for me the most important indicator that Madeleine was not there on Thursday. Of course, apart from all the other evidence as the many stories that were only invented to to show that she lived on Thursday yet.

The next big piece of the puzzle was the statement of the maid. The fact that Maddie's bed Tuesday night was used but looked almost unused in the pictures Thursday night, pointed out that it had not been used on Wednesday evening / night. The fact that the cot on Wednesday or Thursday was moved, supported the suggestion that was stored at a time when a dead body in the master bedroom. All this

limited the time of death to the time between 17:30 and bedtime, one on Wednesday. When I first read Jane Rogatory interview recently in which she told of the rage of her daughter, there was a sudden Overall picture. Previously never mentioned, the question why this has now been revealed in the interrogation of one year. Combined with the desperate search of the McCann for more information from the Portuguese records, they seemed to suspect that Mrs. Fenn was more telling than the shouts of Tuesday.

The change in the routine operations on Thursday became more and more to a show, staged by Dianne away from the truth and also staged the evening with the discovery of abduction shows in this direction. Since there was only one additional delicacies, as I examined the changes in Russell's statements and found out that he gave first Ella picked up in the area Tapas to have and at a much earlier time, introduces a time in which he swam at the beach ...

As to the reason why the Tapasniks joined the cover-up, I'm still puzzled on whether or not all - and maybe even Gerry - have been a mistake about the real reason for her death.
think maybe they are still that she died when her alone in the apartment, may have helped Jane even Kate with her hysterical daughter and provided her with a sedative, but it does not change my opinion that she died from a fall from the couch while she her father tried to spy on the street. A fact that they tried to cover up by sie an diesem Fenster die Jalousien UND die Gardinen schlossen.


It was a long process to arrive at this scenario. Dissecting all the statements showed that their friends were all lying about certain points. The first breakthrough was the realisation that it was Dianne who was the only truthful witness. She contradicted some of the most important statements, like the checking routine, Matt's listening check, that Gerry and Matt were probably missing at the beginning of the meal and the statement that the McCanns did not go to the Millenium for breakfast.

If she was the only one telling the truth then the most important question: "When did you see Madeleine for the last time" was only truthfully answered by her. The Wednesday evening at the Tapas children's dinner was the last time she was seen by a truthful witness.

On the other hand we had the lies about her whereabouts on Thursday. The insistence of most of the Tapasniks in the beginning that Maddie had been at the tennis on Thursday and the absurd scene where all were watching the children's tennis none of their children took part in, while Ella was sailing down at the beach, for me was the most important indication that Madeleine had not been there on Thursday. Apart of course from all the other indications like the other stories with the only intention to show that she was alive on Thursday.

The next huge puzzle-piece was the statement of the cleaner. The fact that Maddie's bed had been used Tuesday night but looked almost unused on the pictures of Thursday night indicated that it had not been used on Wednesday evening/night. The fact that the cot had been moved as well on the Wednesday or Thursday supported the fact that at some stage a body had been stored in the parent's bedroom.

All this narrowed down the time of death to 17:30 - bedtime on Wednesday. When I read Jane's rogatory statement about the tantrum thrown by Ella only recently for the first time, it all slid into place. Never mentioned before why would she part with this in her rogatory interview? Combined with their frantic search for more info from the files it seemed that they suspected more from Mrs. Fenn than the Tuesday crying.

The change of routine on Thursday developed more and more into a show to keep Dianne away from the truth and even the staged evening and detection of the abduction pointed in that direction. It was just an additional bonus to detect the changes in Russel's statements where he first states that he collected Ella at the tapas area to change it to a much earlier pickup from the creche. At a time when he was still swimming....

As to the reason why the Tapasniks complied I am still pondering the theory that they - and possibly even Gerry - where deceived as to the real reason of her death.
Maybe they still think she died while being alone in the apartment, maybe even Jane helped Kate with the hysterical child and supplied a sedative, but it does not change my conviction that she died falling off the sofa while trying to look through the window for her father. A fact they tried to hide by lowering the shutters of that window and closing the curtains.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long Does A Sebaceous Cyst Take To Clear

Professor Jacob Jaeger

Natural Hortêncio of St. Joseph, Jacob Jaeger (* 1857 +1943) was the son of immigrant Adolph Franz Jaeger and Catharina Elisabeth Schuck. His father Adolph was the first professor of family, beginning his career as an educator in the town of Happy, where he founded one of the first schools in the locality, in the interior of your home.

Jacob lived in the Valley of Fall in the first years of life, still small, he accompanied his parents and brothers who emigrated to Porto Alegre in search of better prospects in life. His father also worked with wires, since the income was small as a teacher to keep the whole family. In the early years

Jacob helped his father and three brothers, George, Henry and John the Baptist. Later, the four were studying at the Institute of Education of Porto Alegre. Jacob was one of the first teachers of the state in his early work, he returned to the Valley of the Fall where he married Anna Reichert (also a native of St. Joseph's Hortêncio) in 1881.

Jacob was a professor at St. Vendelino and lived many years in San Sebastian the Fall, where he owned a small photographic studio. The house she lived in was very old, the photos were revealed in the cellar. After more than ten years in the Valley of Fall, where their first children were born, Jacob was transferred to Nova Petropolis.

De Nova Petropolis, Jacob was transferred to St. Paul Sting, inside Morro Reuter where he taught for many years. Even distant at the time, Jacob had proximity to the region, his parents lived with her sister Mary Jaeger Valley Fall. Mary was the first teacher of the Good Principle.

When he retired, Jaeger went to live in Sao Leopoldo. He belonged to a family of religious educators and all the brothers Jacob were teachers. 5 of his 10 children also dedicated themselves to teaching. Professor Jaeger died in 1943. In his tribute there is a school with his name in Pine Forest High, Nova Petropolis, and a street with his name in the municipality of Sao Leopoldo.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do I Need A Rogers Digital Box

Skeleton in the closet?

German / English

Maria da Silva remembered very well the last week . She had come to clean the apartment 5A and was let in by the parents. This left the apartment shortly thereafter, and Mary led by their usual work. She discovered that the parents had built one of the two travel cots in their parents' bedroom. She was sure, and could also describe the state of each bed carefully.

The picture shows the state of the master bedroom on Thursday evening after Madeleine's disappearance. The notice of Maria travel bed was removed and was constructed in the nursery. Kate denied vehemently in their interrogation on 6 September, a day before it was declared a Arguida that have ever been a travel cot in the bedroom.

they had Maria agreed and added that on Wednesday morning was a travel cot in the bedroom, the question had been made, when and why this arrangement was changed. Difficult to find an innocuous answer. let

three children under 4 years stay in a room when one has before evenings out, and only sporadically to check on them, must have even the McCanns have seemed to be unsafe. The risk that a child wakes the other is very large at this arrangement. So MMN was a child in the baby bed - probably Amelie - their parents' bedroom and beds pushed together, the parents of this.

But why this was sent last Thursday? Except to distract from the suspicion that perhaps the children did not sleep so well, there must have been another reason for this risky operation. When it came out it would be clear evidence of premeditation and planning. What was in the bedroom that made it impossible to have Amelie sleeping there alone?


Maria da Silva remembered the Wednesday morning very well. She had arrived at the apartment 5A to perform her cleaning job and was let into the flat by the parents. Shortly afterwards they left 5A and Maria conducted her usual chores. In doing so she noticed that one of the cots supplied by the resort had been assembled in the parent's bedroom. She was very confident in her statement and was able to describe the state of every bed in the apartment very precise.

The picture above shows the state of the parental bedroom on the Thursday night after Madeleine's disappearance. The cot Maria had noticed only a day earlier, had been removed and placed in the children's bedroom. In her interview on 6th September, one day before being made an arguido, Kate vehemently denied that the cot had ever been in the parent's bedroom.

Had she supported Maria's statement and admitted that the cot had been in the parent's bedroom on Wednesday morning, she would have been asked why and when this set-up had been changed.

Leaving three children under 4 years of age sleeping in one room while the parents intended to go out in the evenings with only intermittent checks must have been too insecure even for the McCanns. The danger that one of the children would wake the others would have been huge with this arrangement. Therefore imo one child - probably Amelie - was placed in the parent's bedroom, the parent's beds having been pushed together.

Why was this changed on the Thursday at the latest? Apart from deflecting from the suspicion that the children did not sleep as well as being portrayed, there must have been another reason for this risky operation. If found out, premeditation and planning would have been obvious. What was present in the parent's bedroom that made it impossible to leave Amelie sleeping there alone that night???

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Discoloration Ofcervix

6th National Meeting of Hennemann

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A sad farewell - Documentation

like absolute outsiders for the following documentation of the sad and deeply concerned farewell our member elrawi by a neighboring regional Parkinson Forum from the Rhine / Ruhr area do not reveal themselves at first glance. Therefore anticipate an attempt to summarize in a short editorial Preface and as objectively as possible what it was and is:
Our author, presenter elrawi chronic life is - how many of our members - active and in neighboring Parkinson forums. We welcome you as a live blog and forum chronically express this diversity.

made elrawi However - like other members of our experience, that alone is sufficient, the fact of participation in chronic live them with taunts, to urge insults and slander from these forums.

After consultation with several members and friends I have decided to leave the elrawis - deliberately, without any detail "unraveling" - documented in their authentic, very forceful, very honest way here.

This is about all about, the chronically ill and their relatives as members - to show how the so-called "Parkinson" scene at present by a small clique (may include at most a dozen people) deal with people which can be criticized for one thing: do not be like elrawi their very own opinion mehrmen - neither the one nor the other "side".

Here the first contribution in the elrawi (represented in that forum with the nickname "tonelke") from "" adopted:



A big hello to all take!

Why are you now in the chat, you're never been here (I was never in the chat?), Just when I'm here? Why do you do it with the quiz that you would otherwise not yet done! How do you know, nena, have you never asked me about such things!

I'm very sorry, but if I do a few more times it was said, as operator Nena had indeed the right to remove me from the forum, but of course they would not do that, then it can already my pride not to be tolerated in this forum only.

is given, that I must have said of me by anyone that I'm lying. I have not needed to make me better than I am, because I am neither better nor worse than you, feli.

I have my posts as far as it went away when I wrote was still life in me, now I feel like death. In me is all dead

you all for your future endeavors. Elke Ratayski


Elrawi has asked me to her (not entirely voluntary) departure from the forum following personal comments to be published:

Unfortunately I have to say goodbye to yesterday by many people who trusted me for many years, where I had found many years ago something that probably everyone wants, the feeling here with you to be home.

That alone was the reason why I have long held out, so I left my pride aside, so I always have heard, I could remove up even from the forum, but no, I do not do that.

What is, however, ran yesterday in the chat mocks every description. The forums operator wanted her show and she wanted to be confirmed by her people that this was for me, even the reason why she had worn our disagreements in the forum.

Yes, it did not work so well with it, but she needed and wanted, as always, public and confirmation. And this occasion they took place yesterday in the chat.

Under the guise of charity, she regretted always this awkward situation with which they deal would not, and how much you anxious, would that bring peace, refreshment stops provoked me time and again to be able to respond to show if and how bad I but deal with it.

I must say here again the two men who were with the chat, a thank you, they were and remained up to the end product and had tried to resolve our problems, even though they are just as little of our problems known as the female person felt solicitous, the forums operator after time to justify that always gave their two cents, without even really know what had accumulated here.

What the hell, this show was solely intended for it to confirm her to humiliate me and get rid of me, but not officially. She knew if she catches me with my pride, I'll go by itself I do not know how she is now, what emotions prevail, triumph and celebration mood?

Regardless, even if I really hurts to bury a friendship that really only I have seen as friendship, no matter the people that I leave there, that I got along well, which I probably felt have, but I seem to have disturbed now final.

When I think back, then the problems began when I decided to keep nobs. From then on, I got to hear again and again that ANYONE can understand it, that I do and how often they therefore had to defend myself before the others.
This is something I really do not understand that because someone has to defend me. Now, I am old enough to be allowed to make such decisions and there is also no reason to have to condemn me for it.

And then I submitted a post my thoughts on our friendship, just as I understand this. Since so few critical was there and that would not be allowed, how could I allow something to me so! The others know who they are! Cha, I could do it! Perhaps a muzzle would have been better?!

No, I do not think seriously, I'll get over it, that I have been so very disappointed in a man, but I had been warned repeatedly, but did not want to hear it. And at some point, only one stage of life have been, nothing more, nothing less.


Here, finally, my subjective comment as an administrator of chronic life to persistent bullying campaign against our blog and forum that some of the few obviously a thorn in the side


Elrawis farewell: Even our cause

Basically, we keep it on my blog and Forum chronic live as the most serious Internet platforms in the area of self-help: What is happening in neighboring forums before the remains sidelined because it does not affect us.

This also applies to the publication of the parting of our author and presenter elrawi from a rather insignificant, regionally, especially in the Rhine / Ruhr area acting Parkinson's Forum. Since the (rear) of the demise of the reasons are there, however, closely related to chronic Forum and blog live, it's us as a Forum as well as our team members very well at something.

It is not an isolated case more that people down made systematically vilified, are offended very personal and bullied, which contribute to the forum chronic life-or even refuse the exclusion campaign of an adjacent Parkinson forum to join against me personally.

concrete have been (!) Seven people who see me at critically and share openly and fairly with me, but the blanket demonization of "nobs" (my old nickname in the next Forum deny) must have this experience. have

Two of them are for valid reasons (which no, or at least have little to do with the "nobs case" to do) temporarily pulled back from total forum life. One has not withstood the constant pressure and has adapted to the mainstream. -

For all others will follow almost necessarily-true: neutral or even positive constructive contact with forum and blog will be punished consistent with chronic life-a sort of tribal responsibility. Which had begun with my girlfriend. Their only "crime": she had logged in the forum, I recently in (to this day unexplained circumstances) had thrown out. That was enough - it had not published a single critical article, but was expelled immediately from essentially normal user rights.

a single case, the "heat of the moment"?
Maybe. However, not acceptable.

But that was only the beginning. Out throws and obvious denial of user rights - that the leadership clique of the mainstream forums dares not now (the operator of the mini-forum, which has now rausgeekelt elrawi is-not coincidentally - also administrator of the larger forum, from which the bullying campaigns .)
Instead - do it now as well elrawi had - rushed, taunting, rausgeekelt.

What strikes - and that is why we handle it very open: all that happens almost exclusively in more or less closed "sensitive" areas. Is it almost never is being bullied in the (Board) public.

Persecuted, maligned and insulted is preferably in chat rooms (in the expectation that these dialogues are not documented, an often fatal error) or e-mails and PNs.

drop all their inhibitions because there obviously is then driven, which is in the youth language so aptly described as "corner" is "to drive for victims in the corners of enclosed spaces (usually toilets) and then beat up there (in our cases: verbal).
counter bullying, there are two funds: the legal response (now possible, but somewhat unrealistic) and: The open approach, the publicizing of bullying.

I'm not a fan of forced outing. But get the mobbers and bullies from the "Corner", the dark corner where these cowardly people feel with disturbed self-esteem is sure to light the public-that's self-defense and protection of victims in particular.

For this reason I give as the main responsible of chronic human life as elrawi very conscious and documented after careful weighing of pros and cons like the opportunity to make their departure from the bully forums.

Norbert Jos Maas

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Chronic camera - for ordinary heroes

Was a pleasure: in Springer-Verlag popped the champagne corks. Was the media mogul but the marketing coup of the year managed to bite you and Burda probably somewhere and wondered how to beat the award hype in the coming year.

With Bambi-plated Pope Parki camera icon

My tip to beat Hubert Burda: When Hörzu-Fritz, who lives Fox Parkinson's icon and a surviving Celebrity presenter gild with their cameras - then have the Bambi marketers really only one chance: the ultimate killer would be a mega-hype but dead, but acknowledged miraculous Parki, who has yet to cure at least one Parkinsonkranje spontaneously: the Bambi is next so be sure Karl Wojtyla - revived posthumously, or better, of course (maybe last a 3D model of the Cyber Shortly they happy to be spoken former Pope John Paul Numero two).

But I fear, may against Michael Jay and Monica even a blessed and holy week dogmatists and representatives of God in our earthly Sündental not anstinken enhancing circulation.
That the Parkiszene hysterically out would if a mediocre successful actor was honored with the Golden Camera for his "lifetime achievement" (which makes for Foxens future suspect goods), which has like hundreds of thousands of others also caught dopaminmangelnd - that was expected.

mechanical mass hysteria about surviving lucky

The real stroke of genius was, however, the severely ill get to on the consequences of a surgical accident suffering Monica Lierhaus the camera gala stage and her (WHAT?) to present a Golden Camera. That then also the proposal of the journalist, who in the sleazy-Daily-long talk shows no more viewers on the edge of the sofa, was spontaneously: This careful staging really should deceive no clear-thinking audience. It was a chore - and the icing on the cake in tränenerweichenden Schmonzetten event

They are already professionals, this Golden Camera and Bambi-makers. They know their Pappenheimer. Wissenm and what "counts".

prompt was because in the scene Parki any activity of little gray cells.

"Moving" was the sober vocabulary, which was read in some forums again and again. I say right now times rather not, what I myself as a "moving" feel.

were Above all, the "two great role models celebrated frenetically. Well, at least in the case of a pseudo-laudatory speech with enthusiastic the gasping sounded credible and convincing. Who would own icon but so terribly happy times for the Fox and Lierbach certainly are "great role models" are once cheered so, this would appear to have something ...

But I wonder: Why are seriously ill people like Michael J. Fox or Monica Lierbach models. At the risk of once again trigger a mass hysteria: Not for me they are.

What do Fox and Lierbach special because they too "great role models" could make for mega-vain would-be icons.

a poor bastard out of hundreds of thousands

Fox The actor is suffering from Parkinson's disease. He is fortunate to have ample funds to enable him for 20 years, optimal therapy. How nice for him. And he had the opportunity to initiate a foundation that deals with the Parkinson's research. Hardly anyone is concerned or so, what the money is actually spent: Focus on the acclaimed Fox Foundation is the controversial Stem cell research.

And Monica Lierhaus: its merit is to have had the luck to have survived a serious accident at a aneurysm surgery to have. It is granted to her - but "merit"? "Great role model"?

I also have role models: They are ordinary people who are not in the spotlight, heroines ind everyday heroes:

The true role models remain in the background

Since the old Henry, whom I met in the Parkinson's clinic, from Parkinson's disease in very advanced stage signed, the disease has him bent at 90 degrees, He can hardly speak, and his movements than make the stay in its proximity to the adventure. But he fights - with his mind awake, with his jet-black humor, with his Stehauf mentality. He cursed the damned disease, and he laughs. He lives with the disease - to the end. For much an example, one of which I am learning.

Or Dreamy (her nickname may I mention here) it I call on behalf of the many members of our chronically ill patients (this includes my beloved wife Doris) Dreamy is for me a hero of everyday life and a role model, not only because they self-denying and self-sacrificing unnoticed by the always opened for her sick husband is there - and we with Parkinson's disease is in every sense anything but easy.

Dreamy and other family members as role models for me personally because they have the courage against all defamation and insults from the "scene" quiet, but clearly there on the right of members to demand a decent piece its own life outside the Samaritertums and as much as possible (usually it's not good) to be practiced.

and model for me is Maria: This good friend I learn in many things, to fight us very important respect that the ceiling shaking - and to pay attention and to like and to work together for the Self-help, which we share important - and that's a lot - rather than what divides us in "everyday business".

this - and many other "ordinary" heroes and role models who work in the nursing and everyday life, grant me - beyond any personality cult or glossy glamor ind the "something else," the CHRONIC CAMERA.

Norbert Jos Maas

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Masterbation

Sail away ...


Das Rogatory Interview von Catriona Baker ist mir immer suspekt gewesen. Ihre Erzählung weckte bei mir das Gefühl einer gut einstudierten Erzählung, gespickt mit unnötigen Details und with some strange words, like the colors of the boats and the expression "back to the port." This may be because we have only the condensed version available, which was also translated twice. Still, I was feeling and I've never quite go the report in relation to my last post again carefully considered.
Especially in combination with her description of the sailing trip it on a site visit 10th May 2007 to Manuel Pinho officials took over.

follows from this latter description of the following sequence:

Catriona Baker 5-6 accompanied children - she lies in the required number is not exactly - who held on to a band from children to the beach club. There occupied Alice Stanley, a sailing instructor, the little yellow boat and waited for Chris Unsworth, another sailing instructor, with the red boat, the first 3 children from the beach to her brought into the open sea. The remaining children stayed with Catriona on the beach. Alice turned a few laps and then gave the three children back Chris in the dinghy to take them back to the beach and took the remaining children in turn to Alice and the sailing boat. Meanwhile, the first group was of course at Catriona on the beach and waited for the last group. The trip was scheduled for a half hour from 10:30 bis 11:00 clock well and allowed only one round each group of three.

As This sequence is now described with the statements of Catriona's Rogatory to arrange an interview?

where she describes in detail that Madeleine had when crossing the sailboat sat on her lap and cried anxiously. Cat let the other kids alone on the beach back? Certainly not. Also it says that Madeleine had shot a second round by sailing boat. Had to go out for a child dead? For with 6 children would go only once every PERMIT. Had they been only 5 children, without Madeleine, but that would have been possible.

Unfortunately, there were two questions the sailing instructor Alice and Chris only informally. They could also ensure only the trip and perhaps confirm the fact that a child a second was allowed to make trip. Identification of Madeleine they can not afford to because the children also wore life jackets and helmets.

So either has played the crying on Catriona's lap in the boat never been, or was it perhaps another nanny present, who remained with the remaining children on the beach. Why was it then, but never mentioned? Could she perhaps designate the number of children more accurately and remember ever not to Madeleine? The description of a nanny who alone with 6 children on a leash BEHIND goes out to the beach seems implausible or extremely negligent.

throws In both cases, this statement Rogatory great doubt on the end of the sailing trips, and therefore also on the participation of Madeleine.

................................................ .......................................

I always found the rogatory interview of Catriona Baker a bit suspect. Her story gave me a feeling of a well-rehearsed narrative, full of unnecessary detail and with some strange words, like the colors of the boats and the expression "return to the port" This may be because we only have the condensed version available, Which Was so translated twice. Still, this feeling never quite left me so I had another close look at her report in relation to my last posting. And especially in light of her description of the sailing trip she gave to officer Manuel Pinho in an on-site inspection on 10th May 2007.

From this latter description, the following course of events can be concluded:

Catriona Baker accompanied
5-6 children - she does not give an exact number - holding onto a “summy snake” from the OC to the beach . Alice Stanley, a sailing instructor, occupied a little yellow sailing boat and waited for Chris Unsworth, another sailing instructor, to ferry the first 3 children with the red safety boat from the beach towards her. The remaining children stayed with Catriona on the beach. Alice did a few sailing turns before the three children returned back to the beach with Chris who then took the remaining children to Alice and the sailing boat. Meanwhile, the first group was of course with Catriona on the beach waiting for the last group to return. The trip was scheduled for half an hour from 10:30 bis 11:00 clock well and allowed only for one sailing trip for each group of three.

How can this described process now be reconciled with the statements from Catriona's rogatory interview?

In it she describes in detail that Madeleine had
cried anxiously during the crossing to the sailing boat while sitting on her lap. Did Catriona leave the other kids alone back on the beach? Certainly not. She also states that Madeleine had a second round on the sailing boat. Was one child left out on this trip? If there had been 6 children it would only permit one trip for each child. Had there been only 5 children, without Madeleine, a second round would have been possible for one child.

Unfortunately, the two sailing instructors Alice and Chris were interviewed only informally. Surely they could only confirm the trip and perhaps the fact that one child was allowed to make
a second trip. They would not have been able though to identify Madeleine also because the children wore life jackets and possibly helmets.

So either the crying on Catriona's lap in the boat never happened like this, or perhaps there was a second nanny present who remained with the remaining children on the beach. But why then was she never mentioned? Could she perhaps have defined the number of children more accurately and could not remember Madeleine? The picture of a nanny who went alone with 6 children to the beach seems either implausible or extremely negligent.

In both cases, this raises serious doubts about the rogatory statement concerning the course of events at the sailing trip, and therefore also about the participation of Madeleine.