Das Rogatory Interview von Catriona Baker ist mir immer suspekt gewesen. Ihre Erzählung weckte bei mir das Gefühl einer gut einstudierten Erzählung, gespickt mit unnötigen Details und with some strange words, like the colors of the boats and the expression "back to the port." This may be because we have only the condensed version available, which was also translated twice. Still, I was feeling and I've never quite go the report in relation to my last post again carefully considered.
Especially in combination with her description of the sailing trip it on a site visit 10th May 2007 to Manuel Pinho officials took over.
follows from this latter description of the following sequence:
Catriona Baker 5-6 accompanied children - she lies in the required number is not exactly - who held on to a band from children to the beach club. There occupied Alice Stanley, a sailing instructor, the little yellow boat and waited for Chris Unsworth, another sailing instructor, with the red boat, the first 3 children from the beach to her brought into the open sea. The remaining children stayed with Catriona on the beach. Alice turned a few laps and then gave the three children back Chris in the dinghy to take them back to the beach and took the remaining children in turn to Alice and the sailing boat. Meanwhile, the first group was of course at Catriona on the beach and waited for the last group. The trip was scheduled for a half hour from 10:30 bis 11:00 clock well and allowed only one round each group of three.
As This sequence is now described with the statements of Catriona's Rogatory to arrange an interview?
where she describes in detail that Madeleine had when crossing the sailboat sat on her lap and cried anxiously. Cat let the other kids alone on the beach back? Certainly not. Also it says that Madeleine had shot a second round by sailing boat. Had to go out for a child dead? For with 6 children would go only once every PERMIT. Had they been only 5 children, without Madeleine, but that would have been possible.
Unfortunately, there were two questions the sailing instructor Alice and Chris only informally. They could also ensure only the trip and perhaps confirm the fact that a child a second was allowed to make trip. Identification of Madeleine they can not afford to because the children also wore life jackets and helmets.
So either has played the crying on Catriona's lap in the boat never been, or was it perhaps another nanny present, who remained with the remaining children on the beach. Why was it then, but never mentioned? Could she perhaps designate the number of children more accurately and remember ever not to Madeleine? The description of a nanny who alone with 6 children on a leash BEHIND goes out to the beach seems implausible or extremely negligent.
throws In both cases, this statement Rogatory great doubt on the end of the sailing trips, and therefore also on the participation of Madeleine.
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I always found the rogatory interview of Catriona Baker a bit suspect. Her story gave me a feeling of a well-rehearsed narrative, full of unnecessary detail and with some strange words, like the colors of the boats and the expression "return to the port" This may be because we only have the condensed version available, Which Was so translated twice. Still, this feeling never quite left me so I had another close look at her report in relation to my last posting. And especially in light of her description of the sailing trip she gave to officer Manuel Pinho in an on-site inspection on 10th May 2007.
From this latter description, the following course of events can be concluded:
Catriona Baker accompanied 5-6 children - she does not give an exact number - holding onto a “summy snake” from the OC to the beach . Alice Stanley, a sailing instructor, occupied a little yellow sailing boat and waited for Chris Unsworth, another sailing instructor, to ferry the first 3 children with the red safety boat from the beach towards her. The remaining children stayed with Catriona on the beach. Alice did a few sailing turns before the three children returned back to the beach with Chris who then took the remaining children to Alice and the sailing boat. Meanwhile, the first group was of course with Catriona on the beach waiting for the last group to return. The trip was scheduled for half an hour from 10:30 bis 11:00 clock well and allowed only for one sailing trip for each group of three.
How can this described process now be reconciled with the statements from Catriona's rogatory interview?
In it she describes in detail that Madeleine had cried anxiously during the crossing to the sailing boat while sitting on her lap. Did Catriona leave the other kids alone back on the beach? Certainly not. She also states that Madeleine had a second round on the sailing boat. Was one child left out on this trip? If there had been 6 children it would only permit one trip for each child. Had there been only 5 children, without Madeleine, a second round would have been possible for one child.
Unfortunately, the two sailing instructors Alice and Chris were interviewed only informally. Surely they could only confirm the trip and perhaps the fact that one child was allowed to make a second trip. They would not have been able though to identify Madeleine also because the children wore life jackets and possibly helmets.
So either the crying on Catriona's lap in the boat never happened like this, or perhaps there was a second nanny present who remained with the remaining children on the beach. But why then was she never mentioned? Could she perhaps have defined the number of children more accurately and could not remember Madeleine? The picture of a nanny who went alone with 6 children to the beach seems either implausible or extremely negligent.
In both cases, this raises serious doubts about the rogatory statement concerning the course of events at the sailing trip, and therefore also about the participation of Madeleine.
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