Janice and I took a look at last Friday True Grid . Finally a Western!

The film is a re-make of the 1969er film with John Wayne and he was fantastic!
The young actress, the 14-year-old Mattie Ross game is Hailee and Seinfeld is great. Your counterpart is a very rough Marshall, played by Jeff Bridges. He also played impressive, although we have 2 probably only understood half of what he said, because the slang was extreme and he mumbled ...
Matt Damon plays a funny supporting role as a Texas Ranger, which is the unequal Pair connects to the evil Tom Chaney to look for. As I said, the movie was great. It is certainly worthwhile to look him in the original, because without Jeff Bridges' Orginialstimme and accent is determined lost some flair. But you hardly understand what ...
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