Hennemann Carlos was born in Two Brothers, August 27, 1850. He was the son of Wendelin Hennemann and Angela Schneider. He was baptized on 27 August of that year, the missionary priest, Augustine Lipinski, the former chapel of Two Brothers, which was demolished to build the chapel in 1870 (now the old Catholic church in the city).
Charles Hennemann was maternal grandson of Peter Schneider (rich immigrant, first established in Sapiranga, who founded the Sting and Schneider divided into several lots for his children). Hennemann began working as a farmer in Two Brothers. His mother died young and his father remarried and emigrated to the new colony of Tilings. Charles Hennemann married Catharina Boll and remained in the sting of Swabians, today Traverse, interior Brothers.
still very young and started buying land from other settlers with his father Joseph Boll. The first property was bought from the Blos family in 1870. In 1871 the couple bought the land and followed Küchler capital investing in real estate, the largest purchases were made in 1874 and 1882.
Beyond farmer, Hennemann had a distillery where produced rum to the settlers. In the 1880s, Charles was appointed Justice of the Peace In the years 1880 and 1890 he invested his money in bonds of the Industrial Bank of the South, with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and purchasing new properties. In the 1890s, Charles Hennemann was already considered the man with more possessions in the county.
Even in the 1890s, Hennemann invested along with 25 residents of Two Brothers, the actions of the typography of the Centre, the Catholic press publisher turned on coordination of immigrant journalist Hugo Metzler. In 1893, appeared in Hennemann nominata of candidates and supporters "Zentrumspartei," Centre Party, linked to Catholics Germans and the Jesuits, who elected as Members of that year, Jacob and Son Kroeff Cel. Frederick Link.
In 1899 Charles was appointed a deputy police Brothers, then 4th District of St. Leopold. Hennemann was renamed in 1907. In 1906 Charles went to Germany for cataract surgery, performed in Munich the same year. Carlos traveled with her son Vincent, who was a councilman for District Two Brothers, representing the population in the City Council of Sao Leopoldo.
In November 1916, Hennemann served as director, along with Carlos and Nicholas Rausch Wickert, School of the Society of St. Michael of the Two Brothers. Died January 11, 1918.
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