Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Diy Rectangular Shower Curtain Frame

The pressure was too great: Chris and Bernard have to protect yourself and go

Dear members and visitors from blog and forum chronically live

I'm very sorry to report the departure of our moderators Chris and Bernard have to. Chris has come without their intervention in the conflicts between Paol chronic and life, and reported yesterday, the pressure on them was no longer tolerable. I am very aware that I - inadvertently, and always in an endeavor, these two people, who mean very much, stay out of the dispute - have contributed very well to that pressure. I would ask Chris and Bernd forgiveness.

I respect the decision of Chris and Bernard to withdraw completely from the two forums - and can this decision, which the two have not made it easy to understand fully

.- At this point, a correction: In the Forum reported Paol Chris, that had been placed under her repeatedly that she was or Bernd "the informant of nobs" (ie me). The assumption by leading Paolis is absolutely groundless. Chris and I have NEVER Bernd (up to a single case, in which the Bernd but also reported open in Paol) provides information on anything from the Paol area.

My information I include from other sources - including some from a kind of "inner Circle "in the area of the executive committee are Paol. Thus there is no reason to calm, to lean back because Chris and Bernard, the already NEVER were my informants, no longer active.

Chris and Bernd have in the short time of their membership very very much and contributed substantially to represent chronic live this I thank euch.beiden My personal wish:... Come to bed I'm überzeuigt assume that your decision to take leave of all the forums is right and good for your health. Nevertheless, I must say, your missing us

Greetings Norbert
Jos Maas


. To Paol-bullying Group:


You wanted "in a friendly" take me sensitive about Chris and Bernd.

you have aimed well. Taken - very effective - you also have: But less than me but once again the victim, namely Chris. How do I assess you - and how you deal with it and the other victims in nearly two years (of course always stressed "in a friendly") you probably think in your heart of hearts: the strait anyway victims, since there is no longer out of . And anyway, who does not disconnects in time, "it will not so different." What

you have achieved with her, you are allowed in your forum for which some of you stand so responsible read about. Just say no one should of course again: That so has your top-censor, 43 minutes had been cited after the dead trousers, provided in good style (especially his course in a friendly - you have very short memories, dear John) . Taken

ye have me too: I like that is not when valuable people, who mean very much now, are treated - and just to meet me. And I like it even less when this happens to such a devious way.

The bad news for the Paol-mobbers and Mobbs (incidentally, probably not more than a bad handful of people who will dictate to the large Paol majority what to do and to make - as long as can be like this): You have a person whom you already almost two years have tried to make the victim on the trail, finally brought to despair - and have not reached your goal but shabby: I'll stupidity, call it ignorance, hypocrisy and viciousness continue by name.

What are you afraid of?

chronic life is not your enemy. Why are you trying with all, but really all means - as we are witnessing once again - to prevent a forum on life that is not your world equivalent?

If you your Schulterklopferei, your icons-Polierei, your painting by numbers is more important than a self-help work, which critically questioned (again and again himself), and tries to develop perspectives that allow different opinions to learn without arguing denigrate - then polished on your icon: That's your affair, and no one takes it off you.

Or are you at your club clique, your rain missions cross jnd across the country, always the fear in the neck of losing the charitable status or otherwise, thereby getting caught, like her dPV clique locker right obsolete now?

too, is your problem, not mine. In the unlikely event someone value on my personal opinion: I am convinced that you are very successful in making a very valuable, very important self-help initiative broken when you do so on: I mean damut Paol. And that was not too bad, it would be bad

chronic life will find its own way on, if you will go with him is welcome

Norbert Jos Maas


documentation Paol-bye contribution of Chris and Bernard and Sperrugn the contribution by the Paol Admin atlan: - 43 minutes after the appearance of the contribution of Chris and Bernd in Paol - may be answered here, of course.

farewell to Christine and Bernd Paol 13/12/2010
(NOT by Christine and Bernd provided!)
clock 19:30
Hello people

I have reached my limits, then I do not come any more.
it happen the most incredible things that can mehrverkraften not me.
Yes, it's true, we as facilitators in the adjacent forum.
This is all because we wanted to even make a difference, especially in terms of the current Theme.
have been several times I heard that you feel here, I was as informant / spy for this forum here on the road. I'm really not necessary. It is getting worse. Meanwhile, I'm already getting emails with the statement that you would like to find contact any of his mail to publish.

Once again, double standards. I understand even need that friendship does not mean that friends break off contact with a person who has wronged me. As far as I can not expect solidarity.

But you (I call no names, who they are, know it themselves) tolerates not that I'm somewhere else move there and throw me against espionage.

Now I'm going to protect itself and not appear here nor there.

As a fan of the dead trousers with a farewell greeting:

On the road leading up to tomorrow.
you see in the mirror all the years behind you.
No time to regret it big and no one will return you something.
Do not turn around too long - it's too late.
No white flag, not a bad compromise,
there is only one rule, they say: everything or nothing!
Every GOOD DAY some point to say goodbye.
Pack your things and get on the way!
Because you only live once,
and it does not give us forever! ...
And Bernd

Here, the blocking by the Administrator
Administrator Posts: 1598
Location: 52 '31.7707 "N 13 ° 28.9661' O height 56m
Occupation: retired printer, tram drivers AB, now EU pensioners
clock 20:13
thread is closed for answers
Atlan - Administrator


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