In echo to Christine contribution "non-swimmer ..." and some other contributions in the adjacent forum that refuse consistently seen for almost two Jahrten the victims, I have dared me with my full name there again to register and publish a Beutrag on the subject. Background: Discussions with a board member with the - develop carefully usn of two genuine attempt a peaceful coexistence of the forums. I had avoided in view of this positive development, naming each of the neighboring forum in critical context. For this reason, I also had the following statement initially NOT HERE on the blog, but fair, published in the neighboring forum.
An administrator of the Forum - I had almost feared - wenioge minutes after publishing my post censored (deleted).
In this context: the alleged perpetrator (Who was said never really neither the support group still excluded from the next Forum), 16 hours received after the visit of two members of the association and announced that they would read it either in the forum nor the club ever again or hear something opportunity for a detailed opinion, including massive threats.
Love Paol board member xyz: I beg your understanding, which has made it one of the responsible of your forum just to make the success of our discussions to thoroughly destroy. Sorry.
Here is the wording of my contribution that I had published today in Paol and was deleted shortly after.
For those who do not know me (he): I am the expelled some time agolittle later was read by a charge to the Forum (the same that left them uncensored mitmaßlichen the contribution of the perpetrator) to the following sentence.
Forum Member "nobs"
What I read here is hardly bearable. Even after almost two years, the leaders in
club and forum still
refuse steadfastly to admit serious mistakes and apologize to the victim to
That would be my understanding of self-help is the only possible first step on the
cited here a lot, but nowhere visible
new way.
The alleged perpetrator ("allegedly" purely formal legal reasons, because this
Menscjh myself and others threatened with legal pressure) was never really
übruigen AUSGERSCHLOSSEN - neither the club nor support from
the forum. In the contrary, two board members took long trips,
to allow deiesem Memnschen to save face. The result of this conversation
war_ Eimn exclusion of the alleged offender is final
from the table - and 18 hours later, the perpetrators mutmaßlöichen the forum
open gaping wide, to insult the victims and others.
a reaction to the charge did not exist.
If now claimed, people "need time" this is a travesty - the
managers had almost two years.
Julia says it certainly good. But, dear Julia, you ask the victim, it may
put themselves in the role of board members. Thou dost ask
of the board members also, they should put themselves in the role of the victim
greetings Norbert Maas
was deleted just a contribution from a user who has been excluded from Paol and therefore has no right to register and to post.
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