photo exhibition about the German immigration
photo exhibition about the German immigration
Organized by journalist Felipe Kuhn Braun
In September 2001, Felipe began his research on the brown Kuhn German genealogy and immigration. During the first year, close to families on search of information, names, dates, history and old photos. Since the beginning of the objective of Brown was to wrest from the further past his family with the stories and photos of his ancestors.

Over 8 years of archived Felipe an archive of more than 1,500 old photos. With concern about the photos that were lost Felipe has made a map of the interior villages and started his visits they have established in the families in search of photos of the immigrants, their descendants and the villages.

The Municips which he visited for his research were Nova Petrópolis, Felipe, Santa Maria Thurs Herval, Morro Reuter, picada café, Dois Irmãos, Bom Principio, Sao Sebastiao do Cai, São José do Hortêncio, Salvador do Sul, Linha Nova, São Pedro da Serra, Tupandi, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo, and others.
All images he has gelihen by families and in the course of one years he multiplied his archive on 13 800 old photos. These photos were digitaliziert, ready to print, cut into Álbuns by Temen, families, villages.
These photos show the customs, & cultural Breuches by German immigrants and their descendants in the decades of 1860 (the beginning of the photos in Rio Grande do Sul) to decades in 1960, End of the photos in black and Schwartz.
Felipe has found archive of photos of German-gaucho photographers from the beginning of XX century. Among those Otto Schoenwald and Bernd Hugo Porto Alegre, Hugo Theodoro Neumann Nova Petrópolis, Linha Augusto Nienow of Nova, and backs of Municip Feliz. The archive was organizes these photographers, digitaliziert and newly printed in a content of almost 2,000 old photos.

in the collection of brown, there are about 900 old photos of the nineteenth century, photographs made before 1900. In the four decades of photos in Southern Brazil, 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1890 made by the photographer (among others): Baldwin Röhrig, A. Stoeckel, Pedro Rössler, Luiz William Stage, Walter Mendez, EM by Borowski, Luiz Deschamps, Eduard Cramer, Otto Schoenwald, Christiano H. Prass, Carl Wildner, W. Stocker.
More than 100 immigrants are liable to see in the pictures of Brown researched in 9 years. Among those we find the patriarchs of families: Rusche, Four, Hexsel, Schmidt, Schmitt, must Nich, Kasper, Roehe, Büttenbender, Hunsche, Stoffel, Wolf, Christian, Heineck, Lorenz, Bender, Dietschi, Ebling, Petry, Siegel, Metzler , Dewis, Perius, Lessinger, pine, and Lanzer Thön.
are the gems of the collection of Brown also made at the beginning of Fotostecknik in southern Brazil. The collections of amateur photographers from the beginning of the twentieth century, just like Carlos and Walter Haas Momberger of Novo Hamburgo. Momberger photographed Novo Hamburgo, Taquara, Gramado, Santa Maria do Herval and the sea coast from Torres and Tramandaí, in the decades 1930 and 1940. Walter Haas shot Novo Hamburgo, Dois Irmãos and areas in the district of Porto Alegre and neighboring towns, including Sea coast (mainly Tramandaí and Torres). The most remarkable among the many Temen about the German immigration are the photos of brides in black Kleindug in the carnivals of end of the XIX century and beginning of XX century, from the contactor and singer clubs. Some relics of schools, cherries, Factories, Geländaufnahme, the photos of Esklaven from the farms and photos from the beginning Municip Dois Irmãos, Linha Nova, Nova Petrópolis, Feliz, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo, and Porto Alegre.
Concerned with the Beware by this archive, which is already the largest collection of old photographs, zurücknimt the German immigration in southern Brazil, Brown published his first book, História da Imigração Alemã no sul do Brasil, 160 photos of this collection. (This public was printed in January 2010 by the Editora Amstad from Nova Petrópolis and make printed in August 2010 by Gráfica Costoli from Porto Alegre). In July 2010 as the Brown his second book published Memórias do Povo Alemão no Rio Grande do Sul, he warden 144 photos in this publication, a publisher of 500 books, printed by Editora Amstad.
Felipe was now up to almost 300 families in these 9 years of its investigation, has yet to visit a list of contacts and cities to, because he gives his weekly research many times and his two new projects which he plänt to publish next, a of biographies of pions immigrants and the other over letters and reports of German immigrants and their descendants.
curiosities: the photos of the nineteenth century are also the images of the families: Acker, Adams, All, Angel, Bartholomay, Becker, Berlitz, Bernd, Besinger, beer, beer box, Bohnenberger, Boll, Brown, Damm, Dannhauer, Dapper, Deun, Diefenbach, Diefenthäler, Drehmer, Dietrich, Döhren, Dreyer, Ellwanger, Eltz, angels, Feltes, of Fries, Gerhardt, Graeff, Gruel, Haag, Hännel, resin, Haury, Hauschild, Stern, Heller, Hennemann, Hess, Heuser, Hofmann, Hoffman, of High Dorff, Jaeger, Young, Kandler, Kerber, Kieling, grain villages, shopkeepers, an ongoing process, Jug, Kuhn, Kunz, Lamb, Link, Löblein, Lorenz, Lorscheider, Fire, Ludwig, Mayer, mattj, Müller, must Nich, Peters, Petry, port, Poschetzky, Rambow, Rauber Renck, Renner, judges, singer, Sellin, Schmidt, Schneider, von Schwerin, Sperb, Spohr, Springer, Steigleder, Ströher, Trein, Treis, laundry areas, Werlang, Wittmann, Wickert and Wiltgen.
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