More and more the media and commercial tragicomedy degenerating disease of the Plastimators Gunther Gerhard Liebchen (who calls himself by his first wife, "von Hagens"), now gives the impression that his sweetheart claims to two years diagostizierte MP's disease using intensive, to get back into the media, it was for some time relative calm in and around the scandal-ridden doctor. After the much-orchestrated announcement of his illness in the New Year edition of BILD he now declared in Bild am Sonntag, he would prepare for "the plastination of his body and determine the place where I issued after I die want to be. "
Otherwise gave himself in his new sweetheart PAGE communiqué again begging pity." Dr. Death cries for his life, "the tabloid journalists beloved texts dramatize symptoms that Parkinson's patients all know well from their daily lives more or less, and lived for years in general good order. He complains bitterly that he was" the smallest uncontrollable stress shake "begins and that it" can cry even small emotional events.
Darling had taken his media appearance in IMAGE to Sylvester as an opportunity to the dismissal of 130 (of 180) employees of a "large manufactory for bodies plastination" with its progressive disease at . Justify
is discussed in Parkinson's scene also announced by Darling DBS surgery at a very early time of disease. Apparently, my love for the Franco-German "Early-Stim has provided model study. Reliable results of this study, from which advocates of early surgery promise greater efficiency and long-lasting of the still controversial method are, bisdher not yet available.
that Gunther Gerhard Liebchen aka "Dr. Death" aka "Gunther von Hagens' a very talented self-promoter, is excited no one but on. The fact that he skupellos and just relish every border, which he refers to exceed, at least since the exhibition of plastinated bodies in a sexual intercourse in Leipzig and his confession, it imported bodies from China, commonly known.
darling but now it has done it again, is very embarrassing and painful to publicly remember: With the undignified marketing his illness.
For many Parkinson's patients who live without any fuss with anything but pleasant, but tolerable symptoms of Parkinson's disease, it seems to have more than curious how my love for himself and his perfectly ordinary Parkinson courting sympathy to the market in the PICTURE.
Stunned, I ask me personally why a Miterkrankter as "cries for his life." As can be assumed that even my love is accompanied medical specialist, he should have understood now know that Parkinson's disease itself is not fatal.
I confess my love as any other patients and myself, that the Parkinson's Dioagnose our lives changed drastically. to give with 65 in the forced retirement but I think for a stroke of fate, we can live with. Gunther Gerhard Liebchen
may devote his remaining life of its own Pastination.
I'm going to the well-preserved dead Dr. Death at least not expect - if it's so far.
Norbert Jos Maas
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