As in the previous post, I believe that Madeleine on evening of May 2 at some point 18:00 to 9:00 p.m. clock died. After a disastrous week with bad weather and no support for child care by Gerry, who also ignored his wife and took the aerobics teacher, beautiful eyes, the situation escalated on Wednesday. MMn Madeleine was in the playground and on a violent rampage in the apartment, an incident that Jane Tanner attributed her daughter and the first was mentioned in her interview Rogatory . The cry broke according to her testimony abruptly. MMn Madeleine died at that time by the effects of shock as she stood on the couch and tried to see her father, who walked there with his friend Russell . Presumably, they beat his head on either the windowsill or the falling of the couch on the floor.
During the night of the 2nd May was chosen to cover up the death. The children needed a mother who had ruined careers, inadequate monitoring, the night screaming, everything would come to light. The real cause of death was friends may not even be told there was talk of an accident, certainly in absentia. That would make the whole group of accomplices, as all the same lax arrangements had met and had agreed to all this type of child care. Their future is ruined. By that argument you would be able to stop the other parents feel pressure to support the cover-up. Dianne Webster, however, was not familiar, she would not initiate it.
Kate was at this evening of 2 May understandably did not shown up for dinner. To conceal their absence from Rachael said later, she had been ill that evening and stayed in the apartment . In the event that the number of people perceived a waiter and the number of men and women at the table. That Rachael is not the missing person at the table, results, however, clear from the testimony of Jane, which claims on Wednesday evening and listened at the window of Oldfield to have, whether their daughter was sleeping. Rachael had really been in the apartment, this would have been a senseless action. To avoid that maybe someone saw Gerry alone come home, Kate testified that she was 5 minutes later when he arrived.
The morning after the McCanns were not able to go to breakfast. Six employees testified Millennium restaurants that they had appeared there regularly until . Also Dianne Webster stated it on Wednesday, one day when she went to the breakfast because the rain had turned out the tennis game, to have seen there. The McCanns, however, alleged in their interrogations that they are only on the first morning, had breakfast on Sunday there would and then never again. The tale of the missing buggies, because they all the way to the restaurant refused to take upon himself, the media was spread to underline this. Free breakfast for 5 people was not perceived? Anyone who knows Gerry can not possibly believe. And the statements by 7 people stand against it. Would have come out that they were not every day the restaurant only on Thursday morning, police would have attracted attention. Buggies - the majority - they had their own way, according to testimony for a trip to the beach on Monday or Tuesday possessed sufficient.
an entry in the register to make children's club, without actually having to deliver a child, I imagine not all too difficult. Gerry entered along with a clock at 9.10 Miturlauber the children's club signed, as no one was looking and possibly involved a person present Nannies in conversation. Maybe he asked a nanny who was not responsible for Madeleine, whether they place on Sailing participate, can participate in tennis, because they seemed too dangerous to sail. So then the myth was born that Madeleine took part on Thursday morning at the tennis, although she had already tried there on Tuesday. This was also the beginning of some of the friends always claimed Rachael has even been held yet in Rogatory interview in April 2008 to this release. The photo of the tennis court was therefore launched as the first "last" photo in the press, although they had concerns about the bruise that was there to see Madeleine's forearm. This was later issued as Kate sunburn.
Whether Kate that morning went to the tennis is not quite clear to me, it was not a single lesson but a group time and their absence could there not be noticed. In any case, it was accompanied by Fiona Payne, who had placed her youngest daughter in the building of Maddie's Kids Club, for Madeleine unsubscribe again. Possibly. Russell also took his daughter straight from there and they created enough distraction to allow this escape.
Lunch was at any rate used for the scheduling of the evening. I am sure that at least Gerry took part in it. To the uninitiated, the only person - Dianne Webster - not with you, the usual lunch was canceled at the Paynes. They met with Jane and Russell exception. Apparently the only difference in the lunch routine Week.
the end of the afternoon, I have already described in the entry Russell O'Liar second The need to keep Dianne Webster from dinner the children to the lack of Madeleine did not notice and the likely participation of Mr. O'Brien and his daughter are older, while the key points of the cover-up. A girl who looked very much like Maddie in the company of their siblings at the dinner and an outdated photo on which they neither themselves nor E *** looked very similar, each employee would have forced the restaurant assumed that Maddie had been there. The Nanny had to register entries and the vehement assertion of grieving parents, they was of course there have been enough.
accounted After dinner, the children of otherwise normal routine meeting of parents and children at the tapas bar and the adjoining playground. At least for Kate and the children. Another indication that Madeleine was no longer alive and Dianne should not be aware of them. Nevertheless, it should give a witness of a living Madeleine was able to confirm at 18:00 clock, and so was David Payne entrusted with the task of bearing witness to have seen every 3 children looking like angels in the apartment of the McCanns, when he was allegedly asked Kate, whether they need help. All these statements support for a living Madeleine on 3 May are vague and differ from each other, simply because too little time between the 2nd and 3 May was given to discuss minutely all possible future questions of the police. David, for example changes in various statements the time and duration of the visit.
As noted in my entry "It could have been so nice ..." already running, I tend to share the much simpler and less dangerous original plan to allow the passage of kidnapping in the night. Child neglect and exact procedures of the evening would be in this plan was not an issue and cases like that of Zahra Baker, Hayleigh Cummings, Casey Anthony and others show clearly that the imagination of parents in relation to possible hijacking scenarios is limited. But the encounter with the Smith family, this changed everything. Suddenly had several things happen: A parallel examination was needed, which clearly proved by a third independent witnesses that it was not Gerry McCann, his daughter had carried through the streets of Praia da Luz. The only possible independent witness on the evening was Jeremy Wilkins, with whom Gerry had kept to just after nine clock a short chat. This had to suffice. A statement was knitted by just seen to this point, a hijacker with a child, was the substantially resembled the man that had seen the Smith family. That the poor kidnappers in the absence of local knowledge, however, more than three quarters of an hour through the city was wrong to come at last towards the water was something about which to worry too kindly to the police head had.
to confirm that this imaginary kidnappers was not only a man who carried around his own child, had Matthew used to indicate the presence of Maddie thus enter limit that the likelihood increased proportionally, that she had been abducted at this very moment. Gerry was still sleeping peacefully Madeleine * cough * seen in the apartment, shortly before Jane the kidnapper with the child in her arms discovered. So Matthew had to explain that he was a quarter hour after Gerry IN Apartment been, and he might be a small glimmer of light seen through the window and the angle in which the door of the nursery was open, would have been different, as Gerry had left him. Ergo: the abductor was already in the apartment when Gerry was (which had not noticed the open window) and Madeleine disappeared from the small window in the nursery while Gerry Wilkins chatted with Jeremy before the garden gate. While the uninitiated Dianne Webster always maintained that all the parents were responsible for the review of their own children, now had to Matthews review of foreign children in the apartment are somehow qualified. Therefore had to Russell Rogatory suddenly tell his interview he ever had the children of the other in the respective rooms visited, with or without a key. Only to cover up that the fictional visit of Matthew was so extraordinary, as the Portuguese police suspected.
You can imagine how devastating Smith was the encounter, when one looks at these outrageous explanations.
The other processes of the evening were already extensively discussed here. I wanted a cover-up of possible death date 2nd May and explain how exactly fit the various confusing statements, statements and behavior change in this picture.
raise course I do not claim to be accurate, but all hypotheses are supported by facts from the documents and the interviews Rogatory.
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